Money Stress
Good morning listeners and welcome to today’s programme on Stress Free living. This morning I would like to share with you something that affects all of us in one way or another.
Many of my clients are business people who want to enjoy their success by being able to let go of the stress that usually accompanies success. We all want to be successful, and success usually means different things to different people. Perhaps we want to work less so we can spend more time with family or work on our gardens, travel, study or write a book whatever it is that success means to us it always involves one thing – and that is money.
And usually we would like more than we have. I call this “Money Stress” and everyone has it. When we don’t have enough we stress about that. When we have more than we need, we stress about how we will invest it and worry about losing it. Money can make or break a relationship whether it is with a spouse, business partners and even with our children.
Money seems to have so much power over us. But does it really? Listen to learn more and discover techniques to remove money stress.