Are you one of those people who wakes up in the morning full of enthusiasm for the day? Have you ever woken up in the morning and felt that the last thing you want to do is leap out and greet the day with enthusiasm? Do you ever feel that you have to force yourself to get up and get to work?

So many of us wake up feeling sluggish and drained.

And yet, I bet that if you were on the holiday of your dreams with every day jam-packed with exciting and interesting things to do, you would not have this problem, even if you had got to bed later than usual.. Right?

So what is the problem? Would you agree that it is an energetic problem?

Something is draining your energy, and very often the cause could be and that you are not being authentic and in alignment with your core values. It’s like trying to move forward with the brakes on.

But you know what? It goes much deeper than that.

Our subconscious mind has to be in agreement with our conscious actions. When our subconscious mind is in agreement with our conscious actions – it creates a massive shift in our energy, releasing the brakes and turbo-charging our success.

Feeling tired, sluggish and unenthusiastic are just some of the symptoms of misalignment. Here are a few more, perhaps you can identify with some of them.

  • Lack of joy and fulfilment.
  • Having to work too hard to make ends meet.
  • Overwhelm – feeling like a failure or feeling like a fraud.
  • Making too many mistakes.
  • Identifying the subconscious beliefs that are the cause of these symptoms can change your life!

If some of this sounds like you, give me call or email, I’d love to hear about it and be happy to give you some tips and show you the programs that I offer.
